A question that I am often asked is how to write a simple delayed buffer model in verilog, especially when considering its behavior regarding input glitches.
There are several possible coding styles: blocking versus non-block assignments, and delayed evaluation versus delayed assignment.
Here is a little testcase presenting the effect of the 4 possible combinations of code. You will see that the most "natural" behavior is obtained from the third style, using Blocking and delayed assignment.
- Regis
module tb;
reg in = 1'b0;
initial begin
#10 in <= 1;
#10 in <= 0;
#10 in <= 1;
#3 in <= 0;
#3 in <= 1;
#9 in <= 0;
#10 $finish;
reg o1 = 1'b0;
reg o2 = 1'b0;
reg o3 = 1'b0;
reg o4 = 1'b0;
always @(in) #5 o1 = in; // Blocking, delayed evaluation (wait 5ns, then evaluate and assign immediately)
always @(in) #5 o2 <= in; // Non-Blocking, delayed evaluation (wait 5ns, then evaluate, then
always @(in) o3 = #5 in; // Blocking, delayed assignment
always @(in) o4 <= #5 in; // Non-Blocking, delayed assignment
// 10 15 20 30 33 36 41 45 50
// +----------+ +---+ +---------+
// in __________| |__________| |___| |__________
// +----------+ +---------+
// o1 _______________| |___________________| |_____
// +----------+ +---------+
// o2 _______________| |___________________| |_____
// 35
// +----------+ +----------------+
// o3 _______________| |____________| |_____
// +----------+ +---+ +---------+
// o4 _______________| |__________| |___| |__________
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